To buy from AJF Transport AB, follow these steps:
1. Register: Go to ./register_trans.html and register as a Buyer to initiate the transaction.
2. Seller Approval: AJF Transport AB will send an email to the Seller, requesting their approval for the transaction.
3. Invoice: Once approved, AJF Transport AB will send an invoice to the Buyer with the payment details.
4. Payment: The Buyer must follow the instructions in the invoice to make and confirm the payment with AJF Transport AB.
5. Delivery: After payment approval, AJF Transport AB will arrange delivery of the item to the Buyer.
6. Delivery Inspection: The Buyer will go through a Delivery Inspection, which will be supervised by an AJF Transport AB representative.
7. 7-Day Money Back Guarantee: The Buyer has 7 days to review and approve or return the item.
8. Payment to Seller: If the item is authorized by the Buyer, AJF Transport AB will send the payment to the Seller.
9. Return Process: In case of a return, the Seller is responsible for any delivery costs, and the Buyer will receive a full refund within 48 hours.
Return Process: In case of a return, the Seller is responsible for any delivery costs, and the Buyer will receive a full refund within 48 hours.